Maihara Hikiyama Matsuri festival schedule in Maibara, Shiga Prefecture

Maihara Hikiyama Matsuri (米原曳山まつり) is a traditional float festival highlighted by child kabuki performed by local elementary school boys in Maibara, Shiga Prefecture,…

Ibuki soba buckwheat noodles in Maibara, Shiga

Updated Sept. 8, 2023 Ibuki soba buckwheat noodles (伊吹そば) is a local specialty unique to Maibara, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. It has been cultivated…

ChatGPT for Shiga travel advice, not there yet

I’ve been experimenting with AI chatbots ChatGPT and Google Bard and AI image generators such as Bing Image Creator for creating text and…

Maibara News

Compilation of recent Maibara news from’s Shiga Headlines on Twitter. If the embedded timeline is not displayed below, access it directly at…

Spring and Golden Week festivals in Shiga

Updated: April 25, 2024 Golden Week is Japan’s spring vacation from late April to early May with a string of national holidays. April…

Buddhist altars made in Shiga Prefecture

Updated: May 7, 2017 Shiga Prefecture has three handicrafts officially designated as a “Traditional Craft” by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (経済産業大臣指定伝統的工芸品). “Traditional crafts” as…

Happy 50th Anniversary Tokaido Shinkansen

Happy 50th anniversary to the Tokaido Shinkansen! The world’s first high-speed train. After about 5 years of construction and test runs, it was on…

October 2014 autumn festivals and events in Shiga Prefecture

Here are some recommended autumn/fall festivals (matsuri) and events in Shiga in October 2014. (Most official Web sites are in Japanese only.) Updated:…
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