がんばれ!ニッポン! The Paris 2024 Summer Olympics are being held on July 26 to August 11 and Paralympics on August 28 to Sept. 8,…

Chronology of Shiga Prefecture’s major news headlines for January–June 2024. Second half to be posted at the end of 2024. Updated: July 7,…

From mid to late June, serene Lake Yogo in northern Nagahama becomes a major attraction for numerous hydrangea. Finally went to see it…

Moriyama Ashikari-en (もりやま芦刈園) in Moriyama, Shiga Prefecture has 100 varieties of 10,000 hydrangea on a huge two hectares. It has numerous hydrangea groves…

SHIGA – Nourished Felicitations 滋賀県 If there are multiple theories for the origin of the prefectural name, it means nobody knows for sure…