Biwako Fireworks in Otsu for Aug. 7

Shiga’s largest summer fireworks display called Biwako Dai-Hanabi Taikai (びわ湖大花火大会) will be held again along the shore of Lake Biwa in Otsu. The…

Bobby Nash returning to Shiga Lakestars

After reaching a basic agreement for the 2009-10 season, Bobby Nash is set to return to the Shiga Lakestars basketball team in Japan’s…

Biwako beaches pass water-quality tests

It’s summer again and before people flock to the beaches, Shiga Prefecture in May conducted water-quality tests at nine of Shiga’s most popular…

Swine flu update: 40 infected in Shiga

Although the swine flu scare/panic has largely passed, be aware the bug is still out there. On July 13, 2009, ten new cases…

Using mobile phones while bicycling prohibited

Be aware that from July 1, 2009, it is illegal to use a mobile phone while riding a bicycle. Using a cell phone…

Smoking banned in Otsu train stations from July 2009

禁煙 The Otsu City Council passed a bill on March 18, 2009 to ban smoking in and around all major train stations in…

Otsu mayor earns more than Shiga governor

On June 30, 2009, the 2008 incomes and assets of National Diet members, prefectural governors, and prefectural assembly members were made public as required…

More spring festivals in Shiga

During this rainy season, I’m staying at home to sort through the thousands of photos I took in Shiga during spring. Here are…
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