Chronology of Shiga Prefecture’s most important and interesting news headlines for July-September 2014 (according to the year, month, day, and time posted at Japan time).
Originally posted on Twitter under Shiga Headlines by Philbert Ono. Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters including spaces and links (shortened by Twitter).

2014/7/2 10:34 | Takashima’s incineration plant workers didn’t wear protective clothing despite excessive dioxin levels in incinerated waste for 7 years. |
2014/7/6 7:29 | So you think you know ninja? – The Japan News |
2014/7/6 9:10 | On the Minami-Kusatsu Station platform this morning, a local 28-year-old pregnant woman died after collapsing and hitting an oncoming train. |
2014/7/9 10:16 | Typhoon is expected to hit Shiga by this Friday. Avoid mountains and rivers for the next week. |
2014/7/10 3:22 | Shiga is currently under the fringe of the typhoon. Peak is expected to pass over tonight. |
2014/7/10 7:21 | Southern Shiga is getting more winds and rain than northern Shiga. As we saw last Sept., central Otsu can be very susceptible to flooding. |
2014/7/11 3:39 | No serious typhoon damage or flooding in Shiga have been reported. The typhoon did bring much needed rain this rainy season. |
2014/7/11 3:43 | Kudos to Kansai Art Beat for including exhibition schedules in English for major museums in Shiga. |
2014/7/13 13:07 | Shiga’s gubernatorial election results so far is showing a very close race between Taizo Mikazuki and Takashi Koyari. |
2014/7/13 13:30 | With 31% of votes counted, Taizo Mikazuki (43), backed by Gov. Yukiko Kada, is declared Shiga’s Governor-elect. |
2014/7/13 14:51 | Shiga Governor-elect Taizo Mikazuki got a total of 253,728 votes, Takashi Koyari 240,652, and Ikuo Tsubota 53,280. |
2014/7/15 10:44 | A new Heiwado store is rising right next to Nagahama Station. Supposed to open later this year. |
2014/7/16 23:04 | Today’s the 1st anniversary of Shiga Headlines. After 203 tweets, I find Twitter quite useful. Thanks for reading! |
2014/7/18 9:35 | In her farewell speech today, Gov. Kada said that these 8 yrs were the most satisfying of her life. She has now left the building. #嘉田知事お疲れ様 |
2014/7/21 23:39 | The rainy season ended in the Kinki Region yesterday according to the weatherman in Osaka. |
2014/7/22 5:18 | Built in 1939, the Shiga Prefectural Government Building will be designated as a National Tangible Cultural Property (登録有形文化財). |
2014/7/22 13:50 | Taizo Mikazuki reported to the Kencho today on his first day as the new Shiga Governor. He later went around and met with 10 local mayors. |
2014/7/25 23:31 | Yesterday was the hottest day of the year, with Nagahama reaching 36.2˚C, a new July record for the city. Even hotter than Otsu’s 34.9˚C. |
2014/7/29 5:29 | Ohmi High School beat Kita Ohtsu 4-0 today to represent Shiga at the national high school baseball tournament at Koshien this summer. |
2014/8/4 7:55 | Enjoyed Yanmar Museum in Nagahama. Even kids can operate a small excavator. Everything is in English too. |
2014/8/5 15:25 | On July 20, 2014, the JR Kosei Line celebrated its 40th anniversary at Omi-Imazu Station and aboard a special train. |
2014/8/8 13:35 | Famous for funazushi, nigorobuna carp in Lake Biwa has been increasing. Young nigorobuna increased from 280,000 in 1998 to 5.18 mil in 2012. |
2014/8/9 0:30 | Typhoon No. 11 (Halong) is expected to reach Shiga on the 10th around noon. Already raining in Shiga since yesterday. |
2014/8/9 1:31 | If you’re planning to attend any events this weekend, make sure it’s still on. Ibuki no Tenmado in Maibara has been canceled today. |
2014/8/9 1:48 | The Ishiyama-dera Sennichikai Seta River fireworks in Otsu scheduled for Aug. 9 has been canceled due to the expected typhoon. #石山寺花火大会中止 |
2014/8/9 9:52 | JR Kusatsu Line is not running between Kibukawa and Tsuge Stations since 2:50 pm today due to heavy rain. |
2014/8/9 9:59 | Shin-Meishin Expressway between Koka-Tsuchiyama Interchange and Kameyama Junction in Mie is closed to traffic since 2:45 pm today. |
2014/8/9 10:15 | Landslide and/or flood warnings have been issued this afternoon for Ryuo, Hino, Otsu, Taga, Koka, Konan, Higashi-Omi, and Ritto. |
2014/8/9 23:18 | JR Kusatsu Line is not running between Kibukawa and Tsuge Stations all day today. |
2014/8/9 23:22 | Shin-Meishin Expressway between Kusatsu-Takami Interchange and Kameyama Junction in Mie is closed to traffic today. |
2014/8/9 23:25 | JR Biwako Line is running only 60% of normal train runs today. All Ohmi Railway Lines are not running. |
2014/8/9 23:30 | JR Kosei Line Shin-kaisoku (Special Rapid Service) trains are running only between Omi-Imazu and Tsuruga Stations. |
2014/8/9 23:31 | Typhoon No. 11 (Halong) is expected to come closest to Shiga this morning within the next few hours, especially on the west side. |
2014/8/10 0:19 | Shinkansen trains are not running between Gifu-Hashima and Maibara Stations. |
2014/8/10 0:31 | Shinkansen trains are running again between Gifu-Hashima and Maibara Stations. |
2014/8/10 1:42 | As of 10 am today, power outages are affecting 1,160 homes in Nagahama and 10 homes in Otsu. |
2014/8/10 1:45 | Trains are not running on the JR Tokaido Line between Kusatsu and Nagahama Stations since 9:49 am this morning. |
2014/8/10 1:47 | Trains are not running on the Hokuriku Line between Nagahama and Omi-Shiotsu Stations since 9:04 am this morning. |
2014/8/10 1:54 | 滋賀の最新の台風11号情報はNHK大津放送局がよい。 |
2014/8/10 2:42 | Power outage in Nagahama has been fixed, but some households in Higashi-Omi, Omi-Hachiman, and Otsu are without power as of 11 am. |
2014/8/10 9:06 | The worst part of the typhoon has left Shiga, but avoid mountains, hillsides, and rivers for possible landslides or flooding. |
2014/8/10 9:16 | On the JR Kosei Line, trains are not running between Omi-Maiko and Omi-Shiotsu Stations. Kyoto to Omi-Maiko trains are few and running slow. |
2014/8/10 9:24 | JR Hokuriku Line trains are still not running between Nagahama and Omi-Shiotsu Stations. Where trains are running, they are few and slow. |
2014/8/10 9:29 | Ohmi Railways is running only between Yokaichi and Omi-Hachiman Stations since 4:10 pm today. |
2014/8/11 0:56 | All flood/landslide warnings and evacuation advisories in Shiga were canceled last night. All JR & Omi Railways trains in Shiga are running. |
2014/8/11 12:08 | In Shiga, Typhoon No. 11 Halong injured 5, flooded 1 home (Koka), damaged crops like peaches (Ryuo), 30 ha of rice plants, grapes, soybeans. |
2014/8/11 12:16 | Ohmi High School is scheduled to play their first Koshien game against Naruto (Tokushima) on Aug. 16. |
2014/8/15 14:50 | Lake Biwa Museum now has three Little Grebe chicks on display. They hatched in captivity in late July. Watch the mother feed her chicks. |
2014/8/15 14:50 | To mark the 69th anniversary of the end of World War II today, about 300 temples and churches in Otsu rang their bells at noon for peace. |
2014/8/16 9:11 | Ohmi High School beat Naruto today 8-0 at their 1st Koshien game. Their 2nd game is on Aug. 21. Video digest: |
2014/8/20 0:58 | A small section of Hikone Castle’s lower-level stone wall in the uchibori moat has collapsed. Likely due to the typhoon and heavy rains. |
2014/8/20 1:07 | Shiga police wants 10% of its 2,000-member police force to be women by 2020. They will deal with female victims of stalkers, DV, etc. |
2014/8/20 1:19 | Shizu Elementary School students in Kusatsu will use tablets from the 2nd term to interact with the interactive whiteboard in the classroom. |
2014/8/20 11:32 | Shigaraki Kogen Railway is aiming to restore rail service on Nov. 29, 2014 as repairs have been progressing well. |
2014/8/20 11:39 | Beware of the venomous redback spider spotted in Kusatsu’s Yabase-cho island. Kill it if you see one. セアカゴケグモ |
2014/8/21 7:38 | Ohmi High School lost to Seiko Gakuin (Fukushima) 1-2 today despite a longtime lead of 1-0. Great game! Video digest: |
2014/8/22 12:40 | Prompted by the Hiroshima mudslide tragedies, Otsu is inspecting areas vulnerable to mudslides. Don’t sleep in a room facing the mountain. |
2014/8/23 13:58 | Yesterday, a woman found a needle in her mouth while eating an onigiri she bought at a convenience store in Hikone. Police are on it. |
2014/8/23 14:06 | Lightning this afternoon set fire to 2 buildings in Higashi-Omi & Aisho and caused an hour-long power outage to 1,600 homes in Hikone. |
2014/8/25 13:16 | Shiga’s 6th graders and 3rd-year jr high students scored lower than the national average on scholastic achievement tests in April. #全国学力テスト |
2014/8/25 13:36 | Shiga Pref. Board of Education is calling it “a crisis situation” over the poor scholastic achievement test scores of 26,600 students. #全国学力テスト |
2014/8/25 13:46 | Although local boards of education now have the option to make scholastic achievement test results public, only Otsu and Ritto will do so. |
2014/8/28 12:25 | Southern Biwako is seeing abundant waterweeds this summer. It washes up on shore in Otsu & Kusatsu & smells bad. Action will be taken soon. |
2014/9/1 15:39 | New species of Gammaridea shrimp called Morino-yokoebi (モリノ ヨコエビ) has been discovered in household wells & riverbeds in Higashi-Omi & Taga. |
2014/9/1 15:51 | Hotel Biwa Dog in Hikone opened on Aug. 28 as Shiga’s first hotel allowing pet dogs to stay with guests. Dog amenities provided. #ホテルビワドッグ |
2014/9/2 3:20 | Today at 10:30 am, a JR Hokuriku Line Tokkyu train collided with a truck in Kinomoto and partially derailed. Train passengers uninjured. |
2014/9/2 3:24 | Due to the train accident this morning, the Hokuriku Line is currently not operating between Nagahama and Omi-Shiotsu Stations. |
2014/9/2 9:21 | The JR Hokuriku Line between Nagahama and Omi-Shiotsu Stations should be back in service tomorrow on Sept. 3. Will be closed all day today. |
2014/9/3 13:05 | The Half Marathon held in Moriyama every Dec. will be canceled this year due to a senior director embezzling ¥1.55 million from the event. |
2014/9/4 5:04 | 祭りの二日前でもまだ案内情報がほとんど掲載されてない長浜あざいあっぱれ祭りのHP。長浜駅からのシャトルバスが運行されないことも知らせたらいいな。 |
2014/9/5 10:34 | Reconstruction work started today on the Shigaraki Kogen Railway bridge that collapsed last Sept. due to Typhoon Man-Yi (No. 18). |
2014/9/6 11:16 | Heavy rain will continue to fall late tonight especially in southern Shiga and Koka. Beware of rivers, mudslides, gusts, and lightning. |
2014/9/9 11:43 | Shiga’s population is expected to peak at 1,420,000 in 2015 before declining. By 2040, only Kusatsu, Moriyama, & Ritto will see an increase. |
2014/9/10 9:43 | 国際観光振興に携わる役所の職員が受講して欲しい研修です: |
2014/9/10 13:05 | In the Kansai Region of six prefectures, Shiga has the highest suicide rate per 100,000 people per year (334 suicides in 2013). So sad. |
2014/9/12 5:30 | Japan has a record 58,820 centenarians, mostly women. Shiga has 549 of them. Oldest woman in the world is Okawa Misao, 116, in Osaka. |
2014/9/17 23:51 | A wind barrier will be built by Jan. 2016 between JR Kosei Line’s Shiga and Hira Stations to reduce train delays due to Hira mountain winds. |
2014/9/22 1:17 | A tourist couple fell ill on Sep. 21 after eating poisonous mushrooms (tsukiyotake) sold at Kutsuki Shin Honjin (michi-no-eki) in Takashima. |
2014/9/22 10:59 | Tonight at 8 pm, NHK TV Sogo will broadcast Part 1 of Tsurubei no Kazoku ni Kanpai program filmed in Otsu. |
2014/9/22 14:38 | They found 12 more people who fell ill from eating poisonous mushrooms sold at Kutsuki Shin Honjin (michi-no-eki) in Takashima. |
2014/9/22 14:47 | Mt. Mikami in Yasu has the same type of fragile-when-wet soil (masado) that caused Hiroshima’s fatal mudslides. |
2014/9/22 14:54 | Hikone Castle’s Horse Stable is being reroofed and the public can observe it on a special platform until next March. |
2014/9/29 11:01 | Tonight at 8 pm, NHK TV Sogo will broadcast Part 2 of Tsurubei no Kazoku ni Kanpai program filmed in Otsu. Should be very interesting. |
2014/9/29 12:00 | Enjoyed watching Tsurubei in Otsu on NHK TV. Nice PR for Otsu Matsuri & Enryakuji. 鶴瓶さん、また滋賀へおいでね! #鶴瓶の家族に乾杯 |
2014/9/29 12:28 | Otsu and Kyoto are preparing to launch tourist boat rides on Lake Biwa Canal from spring 2015 on a trial basis. Not for the claustrophobic. |