Shiga treated to annular solar eclipse

A large swath of Japan was treated to an annular solar eclipse at around 7:30 am on May 21, 2012. People in southeastern…

Hikone: A Journey in Time (manga review)

Updated: Nov. 7, 2014 The Hikone Board of Education has published a manga comic booklet in English titled, Hikone: A Journey in Time.…


関西の読売テレビの番組が私が撮った滋賀の祭りの動画を放送されることになりました。 放送されるのは守山市のすし切り祭りと甲賀市土山のケンケト祭りの動画です。 放送日:2012年5月9日(水) 時間帯:午前5:20~8:00で、滋賀の祭り企画コーナーが流れるのは午前7:00ごろ。 番組名:読売テレビ「朝生ワイドす・またん!&ZIP!」 番組の「超スゴい衝撃映像SP」というコーナーで「滋賀の超オドロキ奇祭」が紹介されます。 (緊急ニュースなどが入った場合、流れない場合もございます) 関西(大阪、京都、滋賀、奈良、兵庫、和歌山)にいる人、時間ありましたら是非見て(または録画して)ください。 Yomiuri TV will introduce Golden Week festivals in Shiga Prefecture on a morning TV…

Golden Week festivals in Shiga

This page is outdated. See the latest version here: Golden Week is Japan’s spring vacation from late April to early May with…

Cherry blossoms in Shiga

Sorry, this post has been replaced by a newer blog post here: Shiga’s Top Cherry Blossom Spots.

Tsuchiyama Saio Princess Procession on March 25

The annual Tsuchiyama Saio Princess Procession (あいの土山斎王群行) will be held on March 25, 2012. If you like kimono, you gotta see this festival.…

Shiga marks 1st anniversary of 3/11

Various events were held in Shiga Prefecture on March 11, 2012 to mark the first anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake or Tohoku…

Sagicho Matsuri at Omi-Hachiman

The Sagicho Matsuri (左義長まつり) in Omi-Hachiman, Shiga will be held on March 17-18, 2012. This is one of Shiga’s must-see festivals. The annual…
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