YUtour, tour guide extraordinaire in Shiga Prefecture

by Philbert Ono, photos courtesy of Seita Mori and selected by Philbert Ono It’s about time I introduce YUtour (悠ツアー), a licensed tour…

October 2014 autumn festivals and events in Shiga Prefecture

Here are some recommended autumn/fall festivals (matsuri) and events in Shiga in October 2014. (Most official Web sites are in Japanese only.) Updated:…

Pharrell Williams HAPPY – From Lake Biwa

Video link: http://youtu.be/FKchoOLG2TY Pharrell Williams scored a huge hit with his song Happy last autumn. It has since become a worldwide phenomenon with people…

March festivals in Shiga Prefecture

Two outstanding festivals in March in Shiga. March 15-16, 2014Sagicho Matsuri Festival, 左義長まつり, Omi-Hachiman Google Map One of Shiga’s must-see festivals. The annual Sagicho Matsuri is…

Autumn festivals and foliage November 2013 in Shiga Prefecture

Recommended festivals, events, exhibitions, and autumn leaves in Shiga Prefecture in November 2013. (Most official Web sites are in Japanese only.) Compiled by…

Autumn festivals Oct. 2013 in Shiga Prefecture

Oct.-Nov. is another prime time for festivals and events in Japan. Here are some recommended autumn/fall festivals (matsuri) and events in Shiga in…


更新日:2013年9月30日 2013年9月15日〜16日に気象庁が初めて「特別警報」を出した滋賀県は台風18号による豪雨で大きな被害が相次いだ。特にひどかったのは高島市、甲賀市、大津市。 滋賀県内の観光施設や文化財への主な被害をまとめてみました。なお、この他の被害もあるかもしれませんので出かける前に状況を確認してください。特に登山。(22日に比良山系で男性登山者の死亡も出ています。ご冥福を祈りします。) This is a list of tourist sights and major cultural properties in Shiga which were damaged or affected by Typhoon…

Summer 2013 festivals in Shiga Prefecture

Here are some of the many events and festivals in Shiga in summer 2013 (Web sites are in Japanese). If you want to…
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