Hina-matsuri doll festivals in Shiga 2013

Hina-matsuri dolls (雛祭りの雛人形) are being displayed at various locations in Shiga to celebrate Girl’s Day on March 3. On the weekend of Feb.…

Crown Prince Naruhito visits Shiga Prefecture

Crown Prince Naruhito (Japan’s next emperor) arrived in Shiga Prefecture on July 23, 2012 for an official visit to attend a blood donation…

Summer 2012 in Shiga Prefecture

Japan has re-entered the age of nuclear power, starting with Shiga’s backyard. Despite widespread opposition, the Japanese government has given the green light…

Shiga treated to annular solar eclipse

A large swath of Japan was treated to an annular solar eclipse at around 7:30 am on May 21, 2012. People in southeastern…

Golden Week festivals in Shiga

This page is outdated. See the latest version here: https://shiga-ken.com/blog/2017/04/videos-of-golden-week-festivals-in-shiga/ Golden Week is Japan’s spring vacation from late April to early May with…

Hina-matsuri doll festivals in Shiga

Updated: Feb. 15, 2017 Hina-matsuri dolls (雛祭りの雛人形) are being displayed at the following locations in eastern Shiga to celebrate Girl’s Day on March 3.…

Heavy snowfall in Shiga

Shiga and the Japan Sea Coast (especially Niigata Prefecture) got a heavy dump of snow during Feb. 2 and 3, 2012. Nagahama and…

New Year’s worshippers in Shiga

The Shiga Prefectural Police Department has estimated that 1.31 million people will pray at shrines and temples in Shiga during the first three…
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