Shiga History May–August 2017

Chronology of Shiga Prefecture’s major and interesting news headlines for May–August 2017 (according to the year, month, day, and time posted at GMT).

Originally posted on Twitter under Shiga Headlines by Philbert Ono. Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters including spaces and links (shortened by Twitter). Dates and times below are based on GMT instead of Japan time.

2017-05-09 00:54:22 Otsu Mayor Koshi Naomi was interviewed in English by Foreign Press Center Japan in March.
2017-05-09 11:41:34 In Moriyama this morning, Yoshimi Elementary School teacher Nakano Keiji (中野啓治, 59) arrested for DUI as he was driving erratically to work.
2017-05-09 11:56:02 Age 22 Inoue Yuta 井上裕太 & two age 14 boys arrested for breaking windows w/rocks at 4 primary & junior high schools in Omi-Hachiman in April.
2017-05-11 17:27:21 Former Kora Town Hall tax worker Kojima Takayasu (30) 小島崇靖 arrested for embezzling ¥30 mil.+ from tax-paying residents by falsifying data.
2017-05-11 17:38:02 Food Bank for accepting corporate food donations will be established to supply food to 63 Kodomo Shokudo kitchens for kids in rural Shiga.
2017-05-14 07:07:20 2nd video of our mini concert in Imazu featuring Biwako reed flute players Kikui Satoru & Kondo Yumiko. So pretty!
2017-05-16 21:10:00 Shiga Lakestars’ 1st season in the new B.League’s B1 Div. ended with 21 wins & 30 losses, putting them in last place in the West Conference.
2017-05-17 11:07:36 KEPCO’s No. 4 nuclear reactor at Takahama in Fukui was restarted today despite widespread opposition and anxiety in Shiga.
2017-05-17 11:19:14 All shinkansen between Gifu-Hashima & Maibara had to stop tonight for 30 min. when someone went on the tracks at Maibara Station at 5:50 pm.
2017-05-18 11:24:53 98.5% of Shiga’s 2,166 high school graduates in 2017 have found employment. An increase of 0.5% over 2016 & exceeding 98% 4 years in a row.
2017-05-19 10:40:49 The problem with this New York Times article is that “Shiga” is not mentioned at all. Only “near Kyoto.”
2017-05-23 11:12:09 Since 2001, 502 non-serious traffic accidents caused by Shiga Prefectural Government employees went unpunished. This oversight now finally corrected.
2017-05-24 23:00:28 Shiga Pref. Gov’t male worker suspended for 2 months for sexual harassment of female worker verbally, forcing lunch date, touching her chest
2017-05-24 23:01:28 Shiga Prefectural Government managerial male worker suspended 4 months for sexual harassment of 2 female workers, touching her hip & thighs, emailing.
2017-05-24 23:02:14 The names, dept., and age of the two male Shiga Prefectural Government workers suspended for sexual harassment have not been disclosed as required.
2017-05-24 23:02:45 Despite widespread opposition and anxiety in Shiga, KEPCO’s No. 3 & 4 nuclear reactors at Oi in Fukui passed safety standards for a restart.
2017-05-26 06:48:47 After 3 seasons, Shiga Lakestars head coach Toyama Koto 遠山向人 will be leaving the team upon completing his contract. His replacement TBA.
2017-05-26 06:50:58 Higashi-Omi Odako giant kite festival will not be restarted until ongoing litigation over the death & injury of spectators in 2015 ends.
2017-05-26 10:16:53 Moriyama city has signed a cooperative agreement with Sagawa Art Museum to offer art education & free admission to local kids & residents.
2017-05-28 08:35:56 Nagahama Royal Hotel’s kitchen suspended for 3 days from May 27 for causing norovirus food poisoning of 36 tourists from Kobe on May 20.
2017-05-29 12:10:38 Delicious lunch today with samurai chopsticks at Azai Sanshimai (sisters) Roadside Station in Nagahama (opened in March 2017). #道の駅浅井三姉妹の郷 
2017-05-31 11:24:55 Huge lotus pond at Karasuma in Kusatsu decimated since summer 2016. Expert says, “Sandy soil is bad, very little chance of recovery.” Sad! 
2017-06-01 14:38:12 Near Nagahama Castle in Hokoen Park today, they started building the new Biwako Shuko no Uta Verse 3 song monument. First the foundation… 
2017-06-02 10:21:57 Taga-native and Rakuten Golden Eagles pitcher Takahiro Norimoto got double-digit strikeouts 7 games in a row, breaking Hideo Nomo’s record.
2017-06-04 11:00:39 Great show by the Blue Impulse aerobatic team over Hikone today to celebrate the castle’s 410th anniversary. Sakura in the sky and more. 
2017-06-06 13:44:56 KEPCO’s No. 3 nuclear reactor at Takahama in Fukui was restarted today despite widespread opposition and anxiety in Shiga.
2017-06-06 13:51:13 51-year-old Australian Shawn Dennis has become the Shiga Lakestars’ new head coach. Previously an assistant coach for Tochigi Brex.
2017-06-06 14:05:08 Age 43 male worker at JA Kita-Biwako agricultural cooperative embezzled ¥44.77 mil. from people’s accounts for 2 years from Feb. 2015.
2017-06-13 04:56:05 American Jesse LeFebvre, an ordained Shingon (Buzan) Buddhist priest doing the Saigoku Pilgrimage, appointed as Otsu’s Tourism Ambassador.
2017-06-16 14:30:11 Founded in Hikone in 1933, Takata Corporation (4 factories in Shiga) is applying for financial rehabilitation due to massive airbag recalls.
2017-06-16 14:51:38 Official warnings issued to 6 of 36 educators in Shiga who received money/favors from textbook publishers to evaluate textbooks under review
2017-06-18 18:42:13 Yokozuna Hakuho & Miyagino Stable are lodging in Nagahama for the Nagoya tourney. He treated local kids & fans with sumo demo & chankonabe.
2017-06-27 15:45:22 Ninja birthplaces Koka and Iga have signed an agreement to work together to attract more tourists.
2017-06-27 15:56:29 Takata Corporation’s bankruptcy is causing anxiety in Shiga with 4 factories & over 50 subcontractors. Sharp, Toshiba, & now Takata. So sad!
2017-06-28 08:26:29 To mark the 100th anniversary of Biwako Shuko no Uta (Lake Biwa Rowing Song), the Japan Post Office issued these stamps sold only in Shiga.
2017-06-28 08:33:00 The annual Biwako Shuko no Uta choir contest held in Imazu on June 25 was extra special this year with singer Kato Tokiko also appearing. 
2017-06-28 08:35:21 After the choir contest, 120 rowers sang in front of the song monument at Imazu Port including singer Kato Tokiko & former Gov. Kada Yukiko. 
2017-06-28 08:41:29 Also on June 25, a new song monument (Verse 3) was unveiled near Nagahama Castle with Kato Tokiko attending. It’s a glass bench. 
2017-06-28 08:43:19 On June 24–27, 120 rowers took turns rowing around Lake Biwa on 3 boats. They sang at each song monument along the way. Here’s Mt. Ibuki.
2017-06-28 08:56:40 なぞり周航の最後に大津市の越市長もよく述べた:「周航の歌が世界にも広がることを期待する」(毎日新聞6月28日の滋賀版)。
2017-06-28 09:25:16 なぞり周航が無事に終わって本当にお疲れ様でした。その企画と実行が大変だったと思いますが、皆さんがよく連携・協力して改めてこの歌のパワーが感じさせられました。凄いなと思いました。滋賀ってやればできるよ。Rowers sing at the Verse 5 monument.
2017-06-30 16:58:23 The 1st Biwako Ongakusai concert at Biwako Hall last night ended with everyone singing Biwako Shuko no Uta for the grand finale. #びわ湖音楽祭 
2017-07-01 09:32:10 RT @Lefa_heart: びわ湖音楽祭、フィナーレの写真です




2017-07-05 15:40:59 NHK滋賀より:「外国人へ情報発信するのが下手」。延暦寺だけの問題ではない。県内のほとんどの名所や観光施設はそうなんです。英語があってもその質または量が低い。大津が個別に対策をとってもあまり効果はない。まず、滋賀の全体の改革が必要(全市町で)。個別の連携ではなく、全体的の連携を。
2017-07-09 13:49:56 Talked about Lake Biwa Rowing Song at my university lecture in Japanese in Tokyo on July 8. #都内の国立大学 
2017-07-09 13:59:25 Child kabuki from Nagahama Hikiyama Matsuri (Kasuga-zan) & Asakusa performed today at Asakusa Shrine in Tokyo. #長浜曳山祭東京公演 #子ども歌舞伎 #浅草こども歌舞伎 
2017-07-10 12:47:04 Maibara City Hall manager (40s) in health/welfare dept fired on June 28 for falsifying his work hours to receive ¥2.7 mil. in overtime pay.
2017-07-10 12:47:42 Last week, a Hino High School teacher (31) was charged with displaying obscene materials electronically. The principle apologized to parents
2017-07-10 12:48:00 Hino High School math teacher Kitanaka Ryosuke (北中涼裕, 25) arrested for spreading malicious rumors on social media about an 18-year-old woman.
2017-07-10 12:48:36 The new shopping complex “Ekimachi Nagahama” that replaces the old Heiwado in front of Nagahama Station will open on July 29. #えきまち長浜
2017-07-11 11:58:20 At Otsu District Court, former Kora Town Hall tax worker Kojima Takayasu (小島崇靖, 30) pleaded guilty of embezzling ¥440,000+ of tax money.
2017-07-11 12:00:58 Former Kora Town Hall tax worker Kojima Takayasu (#小島崇靖, 30) had previously been indicted of embezzling ¥1.64 mil+ of tax money.
2017-07-12 05:51:04 オリテ米原。頑張っているから批判したくないけど、普通の方は「降りて」ではなく「織り手」をイメージするじゃないの?そしてこのネーミングは外国人には対象外、無縁となっている。例えば、2020年にニュージーランドの東京五輪のホッケー選手にOrite Maibara!と言っても通じない。
2017-07-12 06:23:58 「市役所」を”City Hall”に統一することは賛成です。その標識や表示を変えるのが大変ですね。
2017-07-12 06:35:49 滋賀県内の道路管理者たちが標識の英語表記を統一するためにガイドラインが作ったそうですが、この一部を見てもまだよくない英語表記が多い。Mt.の後に一個のスペースが必要。「長浜鉄道スクエア」もMuseumの代わりにSquareにしろう。2017年6月9日の中日新聞滋賀版より 
2017-07-13 12:41:18 Summer 2017 fireworks schedule in Shiga: #滋賀県花火大会情報
2017-07-14 13:49:10 Shiga policeman (20s) charged with driving w/o a driver’s license for 11 days in May. Punished with a salary reduction, but he has resigned.
2017-07-14 13:59:24 Hikone Welfare Center worker Fujimoto Toshiya (34, #藤本稔也) arrested for exposing himself to a jr. high school girl on the street from his car
2017-07-14 14:31:35 Shiga Prefectural Government Enterprise Dept. (企業庁) worker (51) punished with a mere 10% pay cut for 15-mo. sexual harassment of female co-worker. #ヤツの名前を公表しろう
2017-07-18 12:59:01 Trial runs of self-driving mini buses from Oku-Eigenji Keiryu-no-Sato (奥永源寺渓流の里) roadside station in Higashi-Omi are planned for this fall.
2017-07-19 09:48:30 Rainy season ended yesterday in Kinki Region. Hot & sunny days are forecast for the next 7 days. Have a fun & safe summer.
2017-07-19 10:29:16 「熱中症」は和英辞書がいつもheatstrokeとなっているが、heat illnessが一番近いと思う。Heatstroke(熱射病)は一番重度で死の危険性がある。「夏バテ」も適当な英語はないけど、summer fatigueかしら。皆さんも暑い夏に健康第一、ご自愛ください。
2017-07-30 14:46:06 Former Biwako Visitors Bureau Tokyo Office Manager Ito Masahiro (60, 伊藤雅博) charged with falsifying & pocketing ¥1.24 mil in travel expenses. Shocking!!
2017-07-30 15:04:02 In Moriyama, Hotel Laforet Biwako renovated, rebranded, and reopened on July 28 as Lake Biwa Marriott Hotel (琵琶湖マリオットホテル).
2017-07-30 15:21:12 The new Ekimachi Terrace replacing the old Heiwado in front of Nagahama Station had a grand opening on July 29.
2017-07-30 15:30:43 Shiga’s new “floating school” under construction will be named “Uminoko” (Child of the Lake) (うみのこ), the same name as the current ship. 
2017-08-02 05:13:25 日野町立図書館でお子さんたち用の英語のイベントが無料で8月23日、25日に開催される。オーストラリア人のセーラ・ニシナさんから。
2017-08-06 03:06:53 Kusatsu Basho sumo exhibition tournament held at

Kusatsu Gym on July 31. Sold-out crowd of 3,288 saw Yokozuna Hakuho & other sumo stars.

2017-08-06 03:15:32 One of Japan’s oldest train stations in operation since 1916, Hino Station is undergoing major renovations and now looks bold & modern.
2017-08-07 04:28:40 Not a good day to visit Shiga today. Typhoon No. 5 (Noru) passing through until tonight. Lots of rain in northern Shiga too.
2017-08-07 06:25:32 Due to the typhoon, some trains (Shin-kaisoku) will be canceled on the Tokaido/Biwako Line.
2017-08-07 06:27:07 Trains are not running on the Kusatsu Line between Kibukawa and Tsuge and beyond to Kameyama, Kamo, and Iga-Ueno.
2017-08-07 06:56:42 Heavy rain & wind warnings issued for the entire city of Konan. Eight evacuation centers have opened in the city.
2017-08-07 07:34:23 All boat cruises on Lake Biwa, including Michigan paddle wheeler, have been canceled today. Shigaraki Kogen Railway trains also canceled.
2017-08-07 11:42:31 Most of Shiga is now under the windiest part of the typhoon. No reports of major damage nor injuries so far. Stay safe everyone!
2017-08-07 14:18:22 @missyukky 録画して見ました。湖南の皆さん(特に藍染の師匠)が元気そうで嬉しかったです。下田焼の奥さんも映って欲しかった。ほとんどは夫婦や家族で頑張っているので素晴らしい。いつか下田なすも食べたいな。
2017-08-08 03:08:36 Very slow-moving Typhoon No. 5 drenched Shiga well over 12 hours, but no injuries. Anegawa River overflowed in Nagahama flooding a few homes
2017-08-08 03:41:55 Trains not running on JR Hokuriku Line between Maibara and Tsuruga, and on JR Kosei Line between Omi-Maiko and Omi-Shiotsu.
2017-08-08 03:46:55 Hikone Higashi High School beat Hasami (Nagasaki) 6-5 today in the 1st game of the Summer Koshien national high school baseball tournament.
2017-08-08 07:53:50 Trains now running on JR Hokuriku Line and JR Kosei Line, but on a slower schedule. Other train lines in Shiga running normally.
2017-08-10 12:35:31 In Moriyama, Yoshimi Elementary School teacher Nakano Keiji (中野啓治, 60), arrested for DUI in May, was suspended for 6 mo., but resigned today
2017-08-10 12:39:03 Prince Akishino, wife Kiko, and son Prince Hisahito visited a traditional brush maker in Takashima today as part of their summer vacation.
2017-08-14 09:55:09 Hikone Higashi High School lost to Aomori Yamada 2-6 today in their 2nd game of the Summer Koshien national high school baseball tournament.
2017-08-14 10:11:00 Hikone City Hall, undergoing renovations for earthquake resistance until May 2019, has temporarily moved into AL Plaza Hikone, 3rd & 4th fl.
2017-08-14 10:14:46 Hikone-native sprinter Kiryu Yoshihide & teammates won the bronze for the men’s 4x100m final at IAAF World Championships London on Aug. 12.
2017-08-14 21:04:46 8月11日にNHKラジオ「ラジオ深夜便」の番組が「琵琶湖周航の歌」を紹介しました。聞き逃した方のためにホームページで聞けます。2017年8月11日のスライダーを21:40にします。~Lefa~の歌声と歌の研究家の飯田忠義先生が出演。
2017-08-14 21:06:20 Biwako Shuko no Uta 100th Anniversary photo essay in English:
2017-08-18 16:11:02 At Lake Biwa Museum, the Baikal seal tank is too small. The 2 seals can hardly swim around. Very shy, couldn’t see their faces. #バイカルアザラシ 
2017-08-22 04:35:34 Nice to see my “We love Shiga” logo spreading around, even in Brazil. Free to use! 
2017-08-25 19:35:42 Epic war movie “Sekigahara” opens in theaters today in Japan w/Okada Jun’ichi as Nagahama-native Ishida Mitsunari. 
2017-08-28 09:56:53 Shiga’s 6th graders & 3rd-year jr high kids scored lower than the nat’l average on all scholastic achievement tests in April.#学力テスト4年連続平均下回る
2017-08-30 14:55:26 映画「関ヶ原」を見た。三成がメインでまぁまぁ面白かった。「近江」や「琵琶湖」が頻繁に聞く。滋賀のロケも多い(彦根城、龍潭寺、百済寺、延暦寺、日吉大社、愛知川など)。秀吉への三献の茶の場面と三成の斬首前に秀秋や家康との対面が面白い。架空の人物もいるのでやはりフィクションの作品。
2017-08-31 13:30:52 Due to fewer sales & customers, Otsu Parco shopping complex closed today after 21 years in business since 1996. Movie theaters remain open.

Shiga History January–April 2017Chronological History of Shiga | Shiga History Sept.–Dec. 2017

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