More GW festival videos

Two more Golden Week (late April – early May) festival videos and photos. Held on May 4 near Notogawa Station, the Iba-no-saka-kudashi Matsuri…

Yokaichi giant kite under construction

Every three years, the giant kite flown at Higashi-Omi’s annual Yokaichi Odako (Giant Kite) Matsuri festival in May is replaced with a new…

Japan’s oldest clay figure in Higashi-Omi

Making national news in May 2010 was the discovery of Japan’s oldest clay figure (called “doguu” 土偶) in Higashi-Omi. Slightly larger than a…

Higashi-Omi buses collect used cooking oil

Those cute little buses you see outside Yokaichi Station and elsewhere in Higashi-Omi, called Chokotto bus, have started collecting used cooking oil from…

Yokaichi giant kite festival 2008

Video link: On Sun., May 25, I went to see the Yokaichi Giant Kite Festival. I got there after 1 pm, just when…

Shiga History 2007

Chronology of Shiga Prefecture’s news bits for January-December 2007. Compiled by Philbert Ono. March 21, 2007: Hikone Castle celebrates its 400th anniversary with…

Making Yokaichi giant kite

As you may know, the Yokaichi giant kite is replaced with a new one every three years. This year is when they will…

Yokaichi Giant Kite crashes into bamboo

On May 27, 2007, I went to see the annual Yokaichi Odako Matsuri or Giant Kite Festival. Slightly past noon, they launched the…
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