English Tip: Romanization

I. Romanization = Spelling Japanese words  I want to start with the Basics. And romanization of Japanese words is very basic, yet I…

English Tip: Spelling Long Vowels

Spelling Long Vowels  Spelling long vowels has been and will always be a permanent problem for all of us. There is no perfect…


Hyphens  Continuing my English tips on romanization, my next topic is hyphenation.  A hyphen is used to indicate a connection between two different…


Let me talk briefly about how to be a good interpreter.  Obviously, you must be bilingual. But this is not enough. You also…

Koka’s English Web site

Koka finally has an English Web site: http://www.city.koka.shiga.jp/english/index.html It’s not bad. However, one common error is “Koka City.” It should just be “Koka.”…

How to spell 東近江?

When Higashiomi was first established, I wondered how they would spell the name of the city. I thought that “Higashi-Omi” would be the…

Misspelled sign in Maibara

After the towns in Sakata-gun merged to form the city of Maibara, they had signs with a misspelled word: “Distract” should be “District.”…
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