Shiga History September–December 2017

Chronology of Shiga Prefecture’s major news headlines for September–December 2017 (according to the year, month, day, and time posted at GMT).

Originally posted on Twitter under Shiga Headlines by Philbert Ono. Twitter posts were limited to 140 characters including spaces and links (shortened by Twitter) until early Nov. 2017. After that, the limit was increased to 280 characters in English. Dates and times below are based on GMT instead of Japan time.

2017-09-01 15:34:24 Due to North Korea’s missile threat, Hikone Higashi School has canceled a 4-day class trip to Guam scheduled for this Nov. for 317 students.
2017-09-03 10:58:28 Ropeway to Biwako Valley/Terrace had mechanical problems this morning, stranding most of the 600+ visitors who had to hike down the mountain
2017-09-03 11:12:37 RT @onyanlif:びわ湖バレイの公式サイトの今日の営業案内の書き方おかしいと思う(笑)



2017-09-04 02:42:48 After waiting 4 hours, they were told to hike down Biwako Valley, taking them 2.5 hours while the ropeway had mechanical problems.
2017-09-07 19:45:37 Due to North Korea’s missile threat, Torahime High School also changed its class trip destination from Guam to Okinawa this year. #交通事故の方が危険
2017-09-09 11:49:45 Biwako Valley and Biwako Terrace will be closed until Oct. due to cable replacement work on the ropeway that had mechanical problems since Sept. 3.
2017-09-09 13:24:45 Hikone-native Kiryu Yoshihide, the 1st Japanese to run 100 meters in less than 10 sec. (9.98 sec.) at intercollegiate meet in Fukui today.
2017-09-10 02:59:28 Hikone-native sprinter Yoshihide Kiryu is front-page news in almost all Japanese newspapers this morning. #桐生祥秀9秒台
2017-09-12 12:28:33 Shiga’s ineptness during disasters became evident when Ane River overflowed last month. Disaster info systems had errors or didn’t work.
2017-09-13 03:30:02 Pre-1903 old photo of Nagahama Station from my friend’s family collection. Going semi-viral. Lots of railway fans in Japan.
2017-09-14 01:04:26 Tanaka Kazuma (23,田中一真), employee at National Printing Bureau’s Hikone Plant arrested for groping and hitting age-20 college coed in Hikone.
2017-09-14 01:07:42 New edition of Japan Post Office’s die-cut postcards (gotochi form card) are out. Shiga’s latest one shows Nagahama Hikiyama Matsuri.
2017-09-15 12:22:38 Age 31 Hino High School male teacher fired for DUI hit-and-run accident in Osaka in June. Also fined ¥300,000 for improper disposal of docs.
2017-09-15 12:32:48 Age 48 Kokusai Joho High School male teacher (soccer club advisor) reprimanded for losing docs containing soccer club members’ personal info
2017-09-15 12:42:29 Shiga police sergeant (40s) received a warning for unauthorized use of police database to check criminal record of his wife’s male friend.
2017-09-16 02:56:41 Typhoon No. 18 rains expected to hit Shiga tomorrow the 17th from around noon.
2017-09-17 02:45:57 Due to the typhoon, the Inazuma Rock Festival has been canceled today. Tickets will be refunded. See website:
2017-09-17 03:52:19 Created the “Shiga Travel Alerts” section on home page. Because nobody does it, not even in Japanese. Poor tourists.
2017-09-23 12:15:54 今日のツーリズムEXPOジャパン(東京ビッグサイト)の滋賀のステージはさすがにつまらない。ご当地キャラとくだらないおしゃべりだけ。(その出張費が勿体無い。)ステージってやっぱり踊りなどのパフォーマンスがないとダメです。来年には土山のケンケト踊りでも披露したらいかがですか? 
2017-09-23 12:22:10 At Tourism Expo Japan today at Tokyo Big Sight, friendly staff (including this American lady) at the Omi-jofu (#近江上布) hemp fabric booth. 
2017-09-28 17:05:57 On Sep. 23 at Hikone Castle Resort and Spa, 29 people at a banquet suffered from food poisoning. Hotel’s kitchen was shutdown until the 29th.
2017-09-28 17:23:05 A recent survey found 141 Airbnb-type “minpaku” lodges operating in Shiga and 110 of them operating without a hotel business license.
2017-09-29 12:55:34 Former Shiga Governor Kada Yukiko will run for Shiga’s House of Representatives District 1 Diet seat in the Oct. 22 election. A shoo-in.
2017-10-01 15:01:28 Ceremony held today for Ohmi Railways Hino Station now completely renovated, looks like new. Will miss the old station from 1916.
2017-10-02 10:15:21 CUTE video of “Lake Biwa Rowing Song” sung in English by kids at ECC Junior in Konan city. Taught by our friend. GOOD JOB!!! #琵琶湖周航の歌英語版
2017-10-06 12:16:17 今夜のNHK総合「歴史秘話ヒストリア」がよかったね。浅井長政の話で感動しました。この番組はいつも日本の歴史をわかりやすく説明するので大好きです。視聴者の皆さん、是非小谷城を訪れてください。10月15日午前0時05分に再放送されます。
2017-10-10 12:47:26 Enjoyed child kabuki at Maibara Hikiyama Matsuri on Oct. 9, Sports Day. #米原曳山まつり #旭山 #菅原伝授手習鑑三段目 
2017-10-11 13:45:52 Univ. of Shiga Prefecture Human Cultures male professor (age 63)-cum-former vice president punished for sexual harassment of female student.
2017-10-11 13:49:40 Former age 63 Vice President of University of Shiga Prefecture suspended for only 2 months for 1.5-year sexual harassment of female student.
2017-10-14 10:53:30 Matchlock gun shooting at Nagahama Castle this morning by gunners from Tanegashima (Kagoshima), Sakai (Osaka), and Hikone. #第34回長浜火縄銃大会 
2017-10-14 11:00:21 Colorful kimono today at the Nagahama Kimono Garden Party. Drawing also held, grand prize (trip to Hawaii) won by a Maibara lady. #長浜きもの大園遊会 
2017-10-16 13:45:08 「鶴瓶の家族に乾杯」がよく彦根へ来てくれた。しかし出会った市民はナーバスまたはシャイな方が多かったね(笑)。もっと明るく笑顔で迎えて欲しかったな。閉鎖的な県には苦手かもしれないが、よそ者にも心を開いてもっとフレンドリーにしよう。
2017-10-20 03:46:34 Made in Echigawa: Toured UCC Shiga Factory that uses clean water from the Suzuka mountains to make coffee filled in capped cans and PETs.
2017-10-20 03:47:07 Made in Echigawa: Weaving hemp fabric for the 1st time at Omi Jofu Traditional Crafts Center in Aisho. #近江上布機織り体験 
2017-10-20 04:03:22 Made in Echigawa: Interviewed Nishikawa Yamato Gakki who makes koto. Beautiful instrument, beautiful sound! #西川和楽器 
2017-10-21 07:54:57 Due to Typhoon Lan (No. 21) hitting Shiga on Sunday, Oct. 22, most festivals and events on this day have been cancelled in Shiga and elsewhere.
2017-10-21 13:38:38 Japan Meteorological Agency has issued heavy rain warnings for southern and eastern Shiga and Koka.
2017-10-22 01:58:52 Typhoon Lan is expected to hit Shiga this evening, trains will be suspended or delayed from late afternoon.
2017-10-23 02:02:44 A sinkhole in Konan and 3 broken utility poles blocking Route 8 in Ryuo are part of the typhoon damage in Shiga reported so far. No injuries.
2017-10-23 02:04:28 Over 18,000 households are still without power mainly in Otsu and Takashima.
2017-10-23 02:12:18 Trains on JR Biwako, Kosei, Kusatsu, and Hokuriku Lines in Shiga have been suspended or reduced as of 11 am today.
2017-10-23 11:38:18 Former Shiga Governor Kada Yukiko lost her bid for Shiga’s House of Representatives District 1 Diet seat against incumbent Ooka Toshitaka.
2017-10-23 11:39:00 Typhoon Lan tore off the white wall of Hikone Castle’s Tamon Yagura turret and broke 9 utility poles on the Kosei Line near Hira Station.
2017-10-23 12:01:35 Kosei Line running only between Yamashina and Katata. Ohmi Railways suspended between Hino and Minakuchi Stations due to landslide. Bus provided
2017-10-24 00:27:31 Imoko-no-Sato Michinoeki roadside station in Wani, Otsu is closed due to major typhoon damage (roof blew off). #道の駅妹子の郷
2017-10-24 00:28:51 Due to broken utility poles near Hira Station, JR Kosei Line is not running between Katata and Omi-Imazu Stations. Reduced runs beyond Imazu.
2017-10-24 10:17:24 In Otsu, part of Shiga Jr. High School’s gym roof got blown off by Typhoon Lan. With no power and water, it remains closed. #志賀中学校
2017-10-25 02:31:23 DEC is holding its annual Cancer Walk at 10 am on Oct. 29 at Higashiomi Green Stadium. Donate for cancer research.
2017-10-25 02:31:46 The entire JR Kosei Line is running again. Power returning to affected areas. Cable car from Sakamoto to Enryakuji will run from Oct. 26.
2017-10-27 01:33:45 Blog post reviewing UCC Shiga Factory tour in Aisho:
2017-10-29 08:14:14 Due to winds, JR Kosei Line has been suspended between Katata and Omi-Imazu Stations for the rest of today. Reduced train runs to/from Katata.
2017-10-29 18:24:09 4th graders in St. Johns, Michigan sing the Biwako Rowing Song in Japanese. They hold an art exchange with Konan.
2017-10-29 18:29:14 Shar Mohr in Michigan studied Japanese and visited Shiga for the 1st time in Sept. A local paper wrote about it. Nice!
2017-10-31 17:03:02 “CocoShiga,” Shiga’s new gift shop, eatery, and tourist info center opened in Nihonbashi, Tokyo on Oct. 29. General manager is from Okinawa.
2017-10-31 17:03:11 Yamaguchi Yuki (28,山口佑樹) math teacher at Moriyama Kita High School fired for trying to take an upskirt photo of a female student in class.
2017-10-31 17:04:18 Korean envoy documents from Nagahama-born Confucian scholar Amenomori Hoshu (1668-1755) will be inscribed as UNESCO Memory of the World.雨森芳洲
2017-11-02 17:57:40 Typhoon-caused landslide cleared and Ohmi Railways running again between Hino and Minakuchi Stations after a week of stoppage.
2017-11-03 20:38:55 Drunken Maibara City Hall worker Yomori Tatsuya (41,世森達也) arrested for punching a taxi driver who drove him home on Nov. 3, 12:45 am. #米原の恥
2017-11-03 20:39:12 3 hikers from Kyoto who got lost on Mt. Bunagatake on Nov. 2, found safe by police next day. Avoid alpine hiking after typhoon! #観光客用危険情報不足
2017-11-05 07:15:17 I wonder if they also showed her Lake Biwa pearls. I hope they did…
2017-11-09 04:34:18 I welcome Twitter increasing the max. characters to 280 per tweet. Now I don’t have to use abbreviations which my Japanese readers of English might not understand. But I will still try to keep my tweets as short as possible. I can now use English + Japanese in one tweet. Great!
2017-11-09 05:16:27 Lots of Shiga sake at CocoShiga next to Nihonbashi Station in Tokyo.品揃えは結構あるけど、素人には目玉商品がよくわからない。滋賀の「これだ!」というもの。一見でわかるPOP広告やキャッチコピーが必要。英語版HPもおかしい。”The Shiga’s story”はおかしい…
2017-11-09 05:42:20 Funazushi-flavored potato chips will go on sale from Nov. 13 in the Kinki Region. They look like regular chips, but with a fishy taste.魚の味はするけど、鮒ずしではないな。守山市にあるモンレーブの「ふなずしパイ」の方がいい。CocoShigaで売って欲しい。話題性のある「甲賀コーラ」も。 
2017-11-15 03:27:06 Nakamura Haruto (34,中村治人), a child activity center instructor at Ikadachi Jido Club (伊香立児童クラブ) in Otsu, was arrested for using his smartphone to shoot upskirt video of a high school girl in a convenience store in Otsu on Oct. 14. He has admitted to the charges.
2017-11-15 03:27:18 During the nationwide test of the J-Alert nationwide disaster warning system on Oct. 14 at 11 am, Koka’s loudspeaker announcement did not work and Moriyama’s email warning system did not work. #Jアラート訓練2市で不具合
2017-11-15 23:31:21 Otsu-based painter Brian Williams will have an exhibition at Takashimaya Department Store (6th floor) in Kyoto during Nov. 22–28.
2017-11-17 10:47:29 The next NHK Nodo Jiman TV program (amateur singing contest) on Nov. 19 at 12:15 pm to 1 pm will be held at Takashima Shimin Kaikan hall in Imazu, Takashima. Hope to hear Shiga’s famous songs. I applied to join the audience, but didn’t get in. Too bad!
2017-11-17 10:52:24 Mt. Ibuki today. Dusted with the season’s first snow yesterday. 
2017-11-19 14:04:34 NHKのど自慢がよく今津に来てくれた。司会者が「琵琶県」と間違えて爆笑しました。一組(女子ペアの大学生)が「琵琶湖周航の歌」を歌ってよかった。思わず拍手。「今年は歌の百周年ですよ!」も言って欲しかったな。合格と思ったけどダメでした。皆さんお疲れ様でした。
2017-11-21 04:39:26 In Maibara today, fall colors are peaking earlier than usual during a cold November.
2017-11-26 08:13:14 中日新聞、ありがとうございました! 
2017-11-26 08:15:38 A new song monument to mark the 100th anniversary of Biwako Shuko no Uta (Lake Biwa Rowing Song) was unveiled at Kyoto University’s Yoshida-South Campus in Kyoto on Nov. 25, 2017. It’s in both Japanese and English. Watch this short video clip.「琵琶湖周航の歌」100周年記念碑除幕式
2017-11-28 02:31:56 Kyoto University Glee Club sang the 1st verse of Lake Biwa Rowing Song in English as part of the university’s celebration of Biwako Shuko no Uta’s 100th anniversary held at the university on Nov. 25, 2017. #京都大学グリークラブ #琵琶湖周航の歌百周年記念
2017-11-30 03:20:02 “Club Harie”を初めて聞いたとき,disco,スナック,高島市針江地区のジムとか思ったけど洋菓子屋でした。先日に彦根店の従業員にその名前の由来を聞いてみた。ClubとHarie(玻璃絵)の意味がわかったけど、なぜその社名にしたのか誰も知りませんでした。そのCaféのキッシュプレート(¥1080)は美味しかった。
2017-12-01 14:39:30 One wall (left in the photo) on Hikone Castle’s main tower was damaged by Typhoon No. 21 in Oct. The white plaster (shikkui漆喰) got soaked by horizontal rain and fell off. They can’t repair it until May since the new plaster cannot dry in the winter cold. It remains exposed. 
2017-12-03 14:08:55 Beautiful day today for Tarobogu Shrine’s annual Fire Festival in Higashi-Omi. It’s literally, “Holy smoke!” The smoke supposed to purify you for the new year. I really got smoked so I’m very pure. Firewalking (hi-watari) was fun too. I’m ready for 2018. #太郎坊宮お火焚大祭 
2017-12-04 14:36:31 Visited the old Biwako Hotel in Otsu. It’s now the Biwako Otsu-kan with a banquet hall, restaurant, and galleries. Larger-than-life building with great lake views. Built in 1934, it takes you back in time. Old photos of US Occupation forces using the hotel 1945–1957 are exhibited. 
2017-12-09 14:46:28 「琵琶湖周航の歌」はどう誕生したのか、オリジナルの朗読劇で披露された。2017年12月2日、滋賀県高島市今津町の今津東コミュニティセンターで「朗読劇団ムサシ」(森本純一代表)の6名のメンバーが披露しました。「針江よし笛の会」の生演奏も。その動画です:
2017-12-11 03:05:51 さすが彦根。この間は鶴瓶さん。そして先日の9日はNHK総合「ブラタモリ」。偶然か計画的か。または城の410周年のためか。近江さんも近江を訪れた。その名字の由来も聞きたかった。足軽屋敷の中も拝見できてよかった。色々面白くわかりました。再放送あり。
2017-12-11 14:45:53 Let’s pray that the tanuki (raccoon) mascot candidate for the Tokyo Paralympics will be selected. It would be great PR for Shiga, especially Shigaraki. Watch this official video that shows this mascot being born from Shigaraki tanuki.
2017-12-12 18:33:56 In Yasu, the copper roofing on two smaller shrines at Osasahara Jinja Shrine (大笹原神社) was found to be torn off and stolen on Dec. 8. Shrine members plan to replace the roofing before New Year’s. Copper prices have been rising and have become a target for thieves in the past.
2017-12-12 19:50:58 My foodie friend Yukari introduced funazushi on NHK World’s J-Trip program about sushi (starts at 18:40):
2017-12-13 20:36:21 CocoShiga is Shiga’s new antenna shop in Tokyo. My blog post here:
2017-12-15 15:06:53 Since 1977, for 41 years in a row in Dec., an anonymous person has again left bags of Omi rice at Hino Town Hall. Three 30-kg bags of rice were found at the entrance on the morning of Dec. 15. The town plans to give the rice to local nursing homes. No message was attached.
2017-12-15 15:18:13 National survey by Japan’s health ministry found that Shiga had Japan’s longest average life expectancy for men at 81.78 years as of 2015. For Shiga women, it was 87.57 years, the 8th longest in Japan and the longest in Kansai. Cancer was the leading cause of death in Japan.
2017-12-18 11:15:10 At Otsu District Court’s Hikone Branch today, former Kora Town Hall tax worker Kojima Takayasu (31) #小島崇靖 was convicted of embezzling ¥6 million from tax-paying residents. His 3-year jail sentence has been suspended for 5 years after his father paid the town ¥33 million.
2017-12-19 14:45:48 For the 4th time in Dec. 2017, copper roofing was stolen from a Shinto shrine in Shiga. On Dec. 19, copper roofing worth ¥20,000 on the Haiden hall of Taiho Jinja Shrine (大寶神社) in Hino was found to be torn off. Since June 2017, there have been 33 copper thefts in Shiga.
2017-12-20 15:38:00 私のTwitter followersは今まだ少ないですが、ほとんどのtweetは最低,数百件のアクセスがある.Shiga Blogのsidebarに自動的に表示されるので増えますが,たまに何千件のアクセスもある.例えば,12月1日の彦根城の漆喰の被害状況の写真は既に4千件以上のアクセス.なにが人気になるのか本当に予想できない.
2017-12-25 15:03:19 Faced with red ink (since mid-1990s) and aging rails and trains, Ohmi Railways is seeking serious talks with the five cities and towns it operates in to discuss its future. Either receive subsidies, replace train lines with buses, or create a joint venture with local governments.
2017-12-25 15:18:16 Age 25 math teacher at Hino High School fired (fined ¥700,000) for slandering a woman on social media and obscene acts with an underage girl. Also, a substitute teacher at Kamiteru Elementary School in Nagahama was fired (fined ¥500,000) for paid obscene acts w/age 16 girl in June.
2017-12-25 15:27:06 From Jan. to Nov. 2017, 88 arrests were made for crimes by foreigners in Shiga, including tourists, 19 more than the same period in 2016. 61 arrests were for shoplifting. Vietnamese were the largest group at 16 persons, followed by 10 Brazilians. No mention of Japanese arrests.
2017-12-25 15:57:56 After an invalid Nov. 26 referendum, the Yasu City Council has voted in favor of building a new municipal hospital (野洲市民病院) on the empty lot in front of JR Yasu Station’s South exit. Slated to open in 4 years to replace the current and aging Yasu Hospital in Koshinohara.
2017-12-25 16:07:22 To bring more tourists to western Shiga along the JR Kosei Line, a special express Haruka train will run from Kansai Airport to Omi-Imazu on Feb. 17, 2018 morning. It will be a special tour for 200 people to visit Ogoto Onsen and Imazu. Reservations being accepted until Jan. 31.
2017-12-25 16:22:54 In 2016, a record 50,767,300 tourists visited Shiga, a 5.9% increase over 2015 (+2.82 mil.) and the 1st time it exceeded 50 mil. 549,800 of them were foreigners, 74,000 (+15.6%) more than in 2015. However, lodging guests numbered only 3,777,300, a 1.5% decrease.
2017-12-25 16:28:27 In 2016, Shiga’s most popular tourist destinations were: 1. La Collina Omi-Hachiman (2.13 mil. visitors), 2. Kurokabe Glass Shop in Nagahama (1.97 mil. visitors), and 3. Taga Taisha Shrine (1.66 mil. visitors) in Taga.

Shiga History May–Aug. 2017Chronological History of Shiga | Shiga History Jan.–April 2018

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