Shiga History Sept.-Oct. 2013

Chronology of Shiga Prefecture’s news bits for September-October 2013 (according to the year, month, day, and time posted at Japan time).

Originally posted on Twitter under Shiga Headlines by Philbert Ono. Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters including spaces and links (shortened by Twitter).

台風18号で沈んだ屋形船。大津市瀬田川沿にて。9月20日。撮影/Unose Masaki
A yakata-bune boat sunk by Typhoon Man-Yi in Otsu in Sept. 2013. Only the roof can be seen. Photo courtesy of Unose Masaki.
2013/9/3 9:49Time Scoop Hunter movie about the demise of Azuchi Castle now showing in theatres.  タイムスクープハンター 安土城 最後の1日
2013/9/3 9:49One of 2 active reactors at Oi Nuclear Power Plant was shutdown today for regular inspection. The other reactor will go offline on Sept. 15.
2013/9/7 14:26Shiga native and Olympic foil fencing silver medalist Ota Yuki spoke English well at the IOC in Buenos Aires today. Good coaching.
2013/9/7 21:08Nice that a Shiga native (Ota Yuki) had a hand in bringing the Olympics to Tokyo in 2020. Let’s pray that we won’t have any megaquakes.
2013/9/9 9:14Yuki Ota’s tearful outburst is now a symbol of Japan’s Olympic joy in news media all over Japan and the world.
2013/9/13 12:52Beware of the venomous redback spider spotted in eastern Shiga. They will be active till late Oct. when they hibernate. セアカゴケグモ
2013/9/13 13:15Shiga Board of Education is in panic over below-average scholastic achievement test scores. They sent people to Akita and Fukui to observe teaching methods
2013/9/15 20:13Heavy rain/flood warnings in effect for Shiga, Kyoto, and Fukui this morning amid the typhoon. Expected to be the worst in decades.
2013/9/15 20:27In front of Otsu City Hall, what should be a road is now a river. Trains in Shiga are delayed.
2013/9/16 15:33In Shiga, Kutsuki (Takashima), Tsuchiyama, and Shigaraki got the most rain. Landslide killed a 71-year-old woman at home in Ritto. #typhoon
2013/9/17 13:30Keihan Keishin Line between Otsu and Kyoto is disabled due to landslides. Shigaraki Kogen Railway also disabled due to collapsed bridge.
2013/9/18 14:35Hikone Castle’s Nishinomaru turret got rain damage. 51 traffic lights and 300 road signs were damaged in Shiga, most already fixed today.
2013/9/18 22:39Due to typhoon-damaged roads, Miho Museum will be closed until Sept. 24, 2013.
2013/9/18 22:42Buses are running in place of the Shigaraki Kogen Railway between Kibukawa and Shigaraki Stations. Map of bus stops:
2013/9/18 22:53In Hikone, avoid climbing Mt. Sawayama (Mitsunari’s castle) due to possible landslides or loose rocks caused by the heavy typhoon rains.
2013/9/18 23:04In Takashima, the hiking trail from Gulliver Village to Yatsubuchi-no-taki waterfalls is closed. 八ツ淵の滝
2013/9/20 23:07Avoid Shiga’s mountains/hills. Many roads are closed. Kutsuki in Takashima and western Otsu. Buses from Otsu to Shigaraki are suspended.
2013/9/21 0:17Ishiyama-dera temple’s hillside garden behind the Hondo hall is closed due to landslide. Structures are all OK.
2013/9/21 1:09Shiga will need more time to clean up after the typhoon. Debris on the lake and shore, muddy/closed roads/sidewalks, murky waters, etc.
2013/9/21 23:29Lakeshore road to Kaizu-Osaki from JR Makino Station is closed. Avoid mountains. Closed roads (red) in Takashima:
2013/9/22 4:10Kawachi Fuketsu Cavern in Taga is closed due to typhoon-damaged access road. When it can reopen is unknown.
2013/9/22 4:24Part of Azuchi Castle is off limits due to landslide. Stone steps damaged at Tachiki Kannon temple in Otsu.
2013/9/22 5:51Shiga/Biwako Brand Fair is being held at Osaka Station City 5th floor Toki-no-Hiroba till Sept. 25. Food, crafts, etc.
2013/9/24 20:11In Otsu, Miidera temple Kondo Hall’s kamebara foundation 亀腹 was damaged. Typhoon blew off the relatively new plaster.
2013/9/25 20:10Fearing Ospreys? Many more people die from traffic accidents than from plane crashes. In 2012, 79 fatalities and 10,419 injured in Shiga.
2013/9/25 23:31The word “POLICE” in English is being emblazoned on Shiga’s police cars to stand out more and to make sure foreigners understand. 滋賀県警察
2013/9/29 12:39The Keihan Keishin Line between Otsu and Kyoto that was out of service due to landslides is fully restored from Sept. 30, 2013.
2013/9/30 21:32Shiga Kaikan in Otsu closed yesterday. Opened 1954, it had event/wedding hall, library, hotel, etc. Pref. sold the land to NHK Otsu. 旧滋賀会館
2013/9/30 21:39Besides a collapsed bridge, Shigaraki Kogen Railway got buried with mud at 24 spots. Will likely be out of service until 2014.
2013/10/3 3:12Sayonara to Shigaraki Kogen Railway? Repairing the collapsed bridge and railway may prove to be too costly. It may be shut down for good.
2013/10/3 3:37Pieri Moriyama shopping mall, struggling with only a few tenants, has a new owner wanting to reopen with 100-200 shops by 2015. Good luck.
2013/10/6 11:26The Oct. 7 start of US-Japan joint military training in Takashima has been postponed because the US Marines will not arrive in time. 日米共同訓練
2013/10/7 14:51Welcome US Marines training at Takashima, Shiga! Hope you have time to go sightseeing here and eat the local food like funazushi.
2013/10/14 11:22Art & history buffs shouldn’t miss the rare exhibition of Japan’s largest dotaku bronze bell at Dotaku Museum in Yasu
2013/10/15 9:46Two Ospreys from Okinawa are now in Iwakuni on their way to Takashima. Will fly to Takashima on the 16th morning despite the typhoon.
2013/10/16 3:47Amid rain and winds, two Ospreys landed on Takashima’s GSDF Aibano training site at 10:20 this morning for US-Japan joint exercises.
2013/10/16 11:01Japan’s first US-Japan training exercise with Ospreys ended well today in Takashima. Always proud to see peaceful US-Japan cooperation.
2013/10/17 1:24The unsightly ferris wheel in Katata is finally being dismantled. To be sold to a Vietnamese co. It was part of Biwako Tower closed in 2001.
2013/10/18 11:32Gov. Kada is not requiring schools to reveal their scholastic achievement test scores. Shiga’s 6th graders had Japan’s 2nd lowest scores. 学力テスト
2013/10/18 15:52Farewell US Marines! US-Japan joint military exercises with about 230 soldiers in GSDF Aibano, Takashima ended on Oct. 18. 日米共同訓練 饗庭野演習場
2013/10/24 4:57Otsu primary school teacher Masashi Kazama (35) 風間政司 arrested for sneaking into the women’s restroom at a nat’l university in Otsu in April.
2013/10/28 2:42Kunimasu salmon, thought to be extinct in its native Lake Tawaza in Akita in 1940, now displayed alive at Lake Biwa Museum till Nov. 24.

Click here for Shiga History Nov.-Dec. 2013

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