My information sources for Shiga news

The news about Shiga which I present here are gleaned from various Japanese sources. When I’m in Shiga, I always try to watch NHK TV news at 6:10 pm on weekdays which is when the local station in Otsu broadcasts Shiga news. I also check for Shiga news online issued by major newspapers like Asahi Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, and Chunichi Shimbun. (I’m bilingual enough to read a Japanese newspaper.)

I wish I could add the link to the original Japanese news article for my news entries, but those links usually disappear after a month or so. (In the case of NHK, it disappears the next day.)

Here are a few links to Shiga news online in Japanese:

NHK TV Shiga
(The news changes daily.)

Asahi Shimbun Shiga news 

Chunichi Shimbun Shiga news

Kyoto Shimbun

Update: Since July 2013, news about Shiga are now mainly presented by Shiga Headlines on Twitter

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