The 3rd Imazu Regatta was held on Aug. 17, 2008 in Imazu, Takashima. Imazu Jr. High and Takashima High rowing clubs and people…
I’m holding a photo exhibition now at Imazu Public Library near Omi-Imazu Station (West exit) in Takashima. It will be until July 30.…
I created a music video for Lake Biwa Rowing Song and now you can see it on YouTube: Video link:
Shiga’s Assistant Language Teachers (mainly English) are having an art exhibition at the Biwako Bunkakan. About 16 teachers are exhibiting paintings, photography, etc.,…

なんと嘉田知事も飛び入りして英語版「琵琶湖周航の歌」を歌う!光栄でした。 On Oct. 20, 2007 (Sat.), an event called Umizukuri Boat Festa 湖づくりボートフェスタ was held. It was a dragon boat and canoe race…
Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko visited Shiga Prefecture for the first time in 13 years during Nov. 10-13, 2007. The main reason was…
This coming Sunday, there will be a citizens’ regatta (rowing boat race) on Seta River near Seta Karahashi Bridge. It will be all…