Golden Week festivals in Shiga

This page is outdated. See the latest version here: Golden Week is Japan’s spring vacation from late April to early May with…

Golden Week 2010 in Shiga

We saw fine weather during Golden Week in Shiga from late April to early May 2010. I went to see a slew of…

Attn: JR Tokaido and Kosei Line users

On March 13, 2010, Japan Railways implemented revised train schedules. Note that there are now fewer train runs on the JR Tokaido and…

Spo-rec Shiga 2008

Jamie and Megan Thompson sang “Lake Biwa Rowing Song” (Biwako Shuko no Uta) at Spo-Rec Shiga on Oct. 18, 2008 at Kibogaoka Park…

Event notice: Sports Recreation Shiga 2008

The Sports Recreation event will be held in Shiga during Oct. 18-21, 2008. On the first day Oct. 18 at Kibogaoka Park in…

Rice-planting festivals in Yasu and Taga

I went to see two rice-planting festivals in Shiga, for the first time. The first one was in Yasu on May 25, 2008.…

Climbing Mt. Mikami (Omi-Fuji)

Mt. Mikami in Yasu is nicknamed Omi-Fuji because it has a conical shape like Fuji-san. I recently climbed this mountain. Only 432 meters…
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