Int’l event in Okaya, Nagano

The city of Okaya in Nagano-ken held a major int’l event on March 4: I participated by having a small exhibition about…

Gokasho, Higashi-Omi

During New Year’s vacation, I visited Gokasho again. My second time. This time, I took many pictures with my digital camera. The pretty…

Re: NHK Nodo Jiman

My English version of the song, “Biwako Shuko no Uta” (Lake Biwa Rowing Song) was sung on national television for the first time…

NHK “Nodo Jiman” 出場します!

–速報– 明日の26日にNHK総合テレビ「のど自慢」の番組に出場します! 歌は「琵琶湖周航の歌」の英語版です。私が作成した英語版がアメリカ人の姉妹、Jamie & Megan Thompsonが出場して歌います。 11月26日 12:15〜13:00 NHK総合テレビ 今日、その予選会が開催されて姉妹が通過しました!! 明日の「のど自慢」は、Meganさん在住の香川県三豊市から生中継。僕は東京にいますが、テレビで見ます。 My English version of “Biwako Shuko no Uta” will be performed…

My Shiga community at Mixi

I finally joined http// in Sept. 2006 just to see what the fuss was about. It just had an IPO, making the founders millionaires/billionaires.  mixi…

Shiga Kenjinkai 滋賀県人会

I found out that there is a Shiga Kenjinkai in Tokyo and other places. So today, I called the Kenjinkai office in Tokyo…

Biwako Shuko no Uta videos

I found a few videos at YouTube for this song in Japanese. My favorite is one of John Denver singing the song with…
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