Vories in Japan Times

The Japan Times printed a pretty interesting story about William Vories on Feb. 28, 2008: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/fa20080228a1.html The writer says that his architectural designs…

Event notice: Slide show talk at Japan Center for Michigan Universities

Next to Hikone Prince Hotel is the JAPAN CENTER for MICHIGAN UNIVERSITIES (JCMU). It is a small campus for students from Michigan universities…

Shiga Kenjinkai 滋賀県人会

This post has been replaced by this post: https://shiga-ken.com/blog/2011/07/shiga-kenjinkai/

Lake Biwa Rowing Song CD

I’m happy to announce that our Lake Biwa Rowing Song CD is finally on sale. We started selling the CD on June 16,…

Lake Biwa Cruise and choir contest

We had a fun time in Imazu during the weekend of June 16-17, 2007. On the 16th (Sat.), there was a 3-hour Lake…

琵琶湖周航の歌 英語版CD

待望の琵琶湖周航の歌 英語版CDが2007年6月16日に発売されました。定価800円。お陰さまで売れ行きが好調。 CDは、滋賀県高島市今津町中沼1-5-7の琵琶湖周航の歌資料館で販売中。同資料館で通信販売もやっています。電話でも注文できます: 英語版CD注文: Tel/Fax: (0740) 22-2108 (休館日: 月曜、祝日の翌日。支払い方法は現金書留か為替。) 詳細は: https://photoguide.jp/txt/Biwako_Shuko_no_Uta

Lake Biwa Rowing Song now on CD

On June 16, 2007, the English version of Shiga’s most famous song, Biwako Shuko no Uta 琵琶湖周航の歌, called Lake Biwa Rowing Song, was issued…

In Chunichi Shimbun

Today’s (June 5, 2007) Chunichi Shimbun (Biwako-ban page) ran an article about my photo exhibition in Imazu. https://photoguide.jp/pix/displayimage.php?album=587&pid=17362 http://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/shiga/20070605/CK2007060502021591.html
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