We saw fine weather during Golden Week in Shiga from late April to early May 2010. I went to see a slew of festivals in Shiga during this time. I traveled to Maibara, Ryuo, Tsuchiyama (Koka), Takashima, Yasu, and Kora. I’m trying to see all the major Golden Week festivals in Shiga. The problem is, many of them are held on the same day and at the same time. It will still take me a few more years to see them all, but after this GW, I can say that I’ve see more than half of them.
Here’s what I saw during Golden Week 2010 in Shiga Prefecture (in chronological order):
Photos: Sakata Shinmeigu Yakko-buri Procession 坂田神明宮の蹴り奴振り
Photos: Yuge Fire Festival 弓削の火祭り
Photos: Kenketo Matsuri Festival and Odori Dance ケンケト祭・踊り
Photos: Omizo Matsuri Festival 2010 大溝祭
Photos: Shichikawa Matsuri Festival 2010 七川祭
Photos: Hyozu Matsuri Festival 兵主祭