More GW festival videos

Two more Golden Week (late April – early May) festival videos and photos. Held on May 4 near Notogawa Station, the Iba-no-saka-kudashi Matsuri…

Hino Matsuri 2011

On May 3, 2011, Hino in eastern Shiga held its annual Hino Matsuri festival. This is a major festival of floats with sixteen…

Aburahi Matsuri Festival 2011

On May 1, 2011, I went to see the Aburahi Matsuri (油日祭り・奴振り) in Koka, Shiga, near Aburahi Station on the JR Kusatsu Line.…

Sakura blooming in Shiga

Hanami is subdued this year due to the Tohoku disaster. In Shiga, Sakura Matsuri was canceled in Yogo (Nagahama) and the night illumination…

Shiga’s biggest fire festival

Video link: The Hachiman Matsuri in Omi-Hachiman is held annually on April 14-15. I saw it for the first time on April 14,…

Kusatsu Shukuba Matsuri canceled

Many festivals (matsuri) in Japan are being canceled or scaled back in consideration of the Tohoku disaster. It’s unfortunate since spring is prime…

Yokaichi giant kite under construction

Every three years, the giant kite flown at Higashi-Omi’s annual Yokaichi Odako (Giant Kite) Matsuri festival in May is replaced with a new…

Takatora Summit in Kora 2010

The town of Kora in Shiga Prefecture hosted the rotating Takatora Summit for the second time on May 9, 2010. Since 1998, the…
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