Koto Sanzan (湖東三山) is Shiga Prefecture’s famous trio of autumn foliage spots. The fall leaves are spectacular, contrasting with distinctive National Treasure Tendai…

Note: For the 2022 autumn season, see https://shiga-ken.com/blog/2022/10/koto-sanzan-temple-trio-autumn-foliage-2022/ In 2021, the Koto Sanzan autumn foliage peak season will be November 20th–23rd, 2021. Convenient shuttle…

For autumn foliage in 2021, click here. In 2018, the Koto Sanzan autumn foliage season will be November 17th–25th, 2018. Shuttle buses will…

In 2017, the Koto Sanzan autumn foliage season will be November 18th–27th, 2017. Shuttle buses will run between Hikone Station and the three Koto Sanzan…

Note: As of July 2023, UCC Shiga Factory tours continue to be suspended due to COVID-19. See the Japanese website for any updates.…

Updated: This page has been updated here for November 2017. Koto Sanzan (湖東三山) is a trio of large Tendai Buddhist temples famous for autumn leaves…

Lake Biwa and Hikone are getting a PR boost from this movie called, Idai Naru, Shurarabon (偉大なる、しゅららぼん The Great Shu Ra Ra Boom) currently…
Recommended festivals, events, exhibitions, and autumn leaves in Shiga Prefecture in November 2013. (Most official Web sites are in Japanese only.) Compiled by…